Occassionally I find that I need to have a branch in template file so that some pages display with a slight variation of the template. I rely on an if/then/else or switch/case construct.

The key PHP code is add the following at the start of your template:

$option   = JRequest::getCmd('option');
    $view   = JRequest::getCmd('view');
    $temp   = JRequest::getString('id');
    $temp   = explode(':', $temp);
    $menu = JSite::getMenu();
    $alias = $menu->getActive()->alias;
    if ($option == 'com_content' && $view == 'category' && $temp[0])
    $category_id  = $temp[0]; //this is category ID

Then later you can use the following to detect all artlcle links that aren't in selected categories for example.

if($category_id !='10' && $category_id !='11' && $category_id !='12' && $category_id !='13' && $category_id !='14') : ?>